On January 3rd Raritan's Annual Reorganization Meeting
was held at the Municipal Building
The council members were sworn in and our elected officials
reflected on accomplishments of 2009 and challenges for 2010.
Raritan's Elected Officials for 2010
Stefanie Gara, Greg Lobell, Denise Carra, Mayor Jo-Ann Liptak, Victor Laggini, Maureen Wilson, John Lamaestra (absent)
Denise Carra was elected
Boro Council President
Mayor Jo-Ann Liptak spoke about the past year
and the challenges ahead
Click to read her speech
Councilwoman Stefanie Gara is sworn in
Click to read the statement she made at the meeting
Councilman Greg Lobell is sworn in with his parents
at his side. He used the family bible
that has been in the Lobell family since 1862.
Click to read the statement he made at the meeting
Councilman Victor Laggini's statement for the New Year

To the residents of Raritan Borough,

I would like to wish everyone a very healthy and Happy New Year. As the new year begins I am looking forward to continuing my work with the residents and their concerns. I am currently working on the borough calendar which contains information related to borough business and services. Every resident should receive a copy of the calendar via mail by the end of February. I would like to personally thank all of the sponsors for making this calendar possible. As your councilman, I want everyone to know that I am always available for questions and or concerns in regard to borough issues. I can be reached at (908) 526-3090. Once again from my family to yours Happy New Year to all.


Victor J. Laggini, Jr
Raritan Tax Collector Lisa Simonetti
warmed up the crowd with a
nice rendition of The Star Spangled Banner
(But will we pay our taxes more cheerfully this year?
Perhaps just as cheerfully as we did last year.
The tax collection rate in Raritan in 2009 was 99.1%)
It was Happy Birthday
for Boro Clerk Pam Huefner
Get Well Soon Councilman John Lamaestra