Borough of Raritan Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Courier News and the Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 8:0 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following were present: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Lamaestra Councilwoman Carra Councilman Marago - Absent Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk Councilwoman Wilson presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes: May 12, 2009 Agenda Session and Executive Session were presented for approval. Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Council President Laggini, upon call of the roll: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye Public Hearing and Final Adoption of Ordinance 09-01 Motion to Adopt Ordinance 09-01 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 82-26 AND 82-27 TO RESTRICT PARKING IN THOMPSON STREET PARKING LOT Motion was made by Councilman Licht and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to open the Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Councilman Lamaestra and seconded by Councilman Licht to close Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed. Motion to Adopt by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded Councilwoman Carra, roll call vote was as follows; Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held on April 14, 2009, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on May 26, 2009 and that the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said ordinance in accordance with law. Public Hearing and Final Adoption of Ordinance 09-02 Motion to Adopt Ordinance 09-02 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the ordinance entitled: CALENDAR YEAR 2009 – ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK – N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45,14 Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilwoman Wilson to open the Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to close Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed. Motion to Adopt by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded Council President Laggini, roll call vote was as follows; Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held on April 28, 2009, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on May 26, 2009 and that the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said ordinance in accordance with law. Public Comments There were no comments from the public. Public Session was closed. PUBLIC HEARING OF RARITAN BOROUGH’S 2009 MUNICIPAL BUDGET Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Council President Laggini to open the Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened. Warren Salerno asked when the budget was introduced and if it was published. (It was introduced on April 28, 2009 and was published) Councilwoman Wilson read a statement explaining that the average home of $300,000 will see a $56 increase in taxes. He also asked about the County increase and Dan Jaxel explained that the County does not yet have the equalized values. Dan Jaxel stated that budget adoption can not yet occur as the State of NJ has not reviewed our budget due to internal turmoil. Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Council President Laggini to close Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed. RESOLUTIONS THOMPSON STREET PARKING LOT Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Licht, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. APPOINTMENT OF PROPERTY MAINTENANCE OFFICIAL OF THE BOROUGH OF RARITAN Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Council President Laggini, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Abstain Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye Councilwoman Wilson recused herself from this discussion and abstained from this vote due to a personal relationship with Mr. Taddeo and his family. The above listed resolution was approved. RAILROAD MONTHLY PARKING REFUND Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Committee Reports: Council President Laggini stated that the letter regarding NJ Transit was sent to the EPA. Councilman Licht made motion approve 85’ of commercial gutter to Somerville Aluminum in the amount of $1,320 and a commercial steel door to Access Door in the amount of $1,360. Motion was seconded Councilwoman Carr, upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Licht stated that he had the great honor of attending, and speaking at, our Memorial Day service yesterday at 11:00. My wife and daughters were at my side. I especially bring my daughters; because I want them to see our Veterans, and to understand that the great sacrifices made are for our Country, and our way of life - and that means it is for them. I said yesterday that "we pledge to preserve the memory of our brothers and sisters, through the generations." We need to bring our young people to these events if we mean to keep that promise. The April Registrar's report was approved on 5/13. We collected $1,474, as usual this was primarily certified copies of death certificates. The Somerville-Raritan-Manville Health Department, in collaboration with Somerset Medical Center, will sponsor an Adult Health Screening on Saturday, June 13 from 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon at the Vanderveer School (Union Avenue, Somerville). Participation is by appointment only. The Adult Health Screening will offer a blood test for cholesterol, diabetes and anemia for $20.00 for residents of Somerville, Raritan and Manville - $25.00 for all non-residents. The PSA blood test for men is an additional $15.00 for everyone. FREE services include: blood pressure; take-home colon-rectal health kits; diabetes risk assessment; body stress screening; hearing test; vision (acuity and glaucoma) screening; percent body fat analysis and BMI (body mass index) calculation; chair massage; podiatric (foot) screening; skin damage screening; health education materials. For more information, or an appointment, call the Somerville-Raritan-Manville Health Department at (908) 725-2300, Ext. 1982. [Any objections to posting this on the website? - NO] Councilwoman Carra made motion approve a plate tamper for public works in the amount of $1,947, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Carra stated that a PO was authorized for an emergency repair to the transmission in the garbage truck in the amount of $7,726.00 Councilwoman Carr made motion to not authorize payment to Screen Styles in Manville for shirts; motion was seconded by Councilman Laggini. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Cara stated that the Chamber of Commerce met on May 19th and plaques of appreciation were distributed to the officers. She also noted that their web site will be up an running soon and they will be holding a Market Day on Thursdays from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. Councilwoman Wilson stated that Karin Kneafsey informed her that the tax collection rate is 97%. Councilwoman Wilson noted that the Environmental Commission has concerns about the possible removal of trees at Basilone Park and stated that she is trying to thank a Veteran every day. Councilman Lamaestra thanked the Mayor for a nice speech given on Memorial Day and thanked the Councilmember’s who were able to attend. Council President Laggini thanked Councilman Lamaestra and all those who help place flags next to the deceased vets in the cemeteries. Councilman Lamaestra asked for a letter to be sent to Manville thanking them for letting us borrow a garbage truck when ours was down for repairs and also asked that a letter be sent to the State regarding the issue of them forcing municipalities to hire a QPA. Mayor Liptak stated that the NJLOM is challenging the ruling on hiring QPA’s. Mayor Liptak thanked Councilman Lamaestra and the VFW for the Memorial Day ceremony and noted that she also attended another one at Raritan Health and Extended Care by the Red Hat Society. Mayor Liptak noted that she attended the 200 Club awards ceremony where officers Acquaviva and Raniere received awards for incredible acts of bravery. Mayor Liptak acknowledged three residents who have reached the century mark: Joe Pinto, Dorothy and Susie Swarez, she then read a proclamation acknowledging EMS week. Mayor Liptak stated that Monday and Tuesday all 5 classes of third graders were in the municipal building for a tour and held a mini council meeting. Councilman Lamaestra congratulated Councilwoman Wilson on her son’s college graduation and his commissioning for becoming an officer in the Navy. Unfinished Business: Rental Ordinance – May 28th at 7:00 pm Busky Lane – waiting for Mr. Berger or Mr. Bornstien to respond General Code – awaiting mid September editorial analysis Orlando Drive – applied for stimulus grant Hidden Pond – Stan spoke with surveyor and will forward information New Business: Councilwoman Wilson noted that the Chief is requesting permission to attend a Chief’s Conference at the FBI Academy. Councilwoman Wilson requested a meeting with Lou Gara, Frank Taddeo and Frank D’Amore to discuss expectations and local ordinances. Councilman Licht asked that Paul Rizzo be present and police representation for input. Tentatively scheduled for June 10th at 7:30 pm. Mayor Liptak asked why the Borough Newsletter was not online and Councilman Licht informed her that it was on the Borough website. Councilman Lamaestra thanked the Chief and Officer Delesky for their help and the courtesy of a call back . Chief Hess showed the Mayor, Council and public the new police bicycle that was donated to the department by the Neumann Foundation. Public Comment: Alex Salerno, Anderson Street, questioned the noticing of a special meeting. It was e xplained that we are required to give 48 notice to a newspaper and post on our bulleting board. The posting was not on the bulletin board and therefore the meeting can not take place. He also stated that the rental ordinance does not have enough teeth in it and questioned the inspections for owner occupied rentals. Mayor Liptak stated that there are some homeowners who are not aware of what is going on with their tenants and not all are diligent landlords. Mr. Salerno stated that Mr. Taddeo was hired this evening and now let him enforce the laws that are on the books. Don Tozzi, Glaser Avenue, thanked the Council for the dedication of the bench and stated that anyone who is not following code should get out of town. Mark Gara, Church Street, asked how Mr. Taddeo will be reached when he is working after hours and noted that there are a lot of complaints on weekends. Dan Jaxel explained that we are working on a cell phone for him and he will be checking his messages in his office. Warren Salerno, Weiss Terrace, stated that there is an unoccupied home next to him that he feels is abandoned which is storing a 40’ trailer that holds two race cars. He is concerned about the high octane fuel in the vehicles and the safety of the unoccupied house. Dan Jaxel said he would notify Fire, Board of Health and Property Code Maintenance to have it checked out. Bills List Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve bills list, seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Lamaestra made motion to adjourn to Executive Session, seconded by Councilwoman Wilson. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk /pah