Borough of Raritan Council Agenda Meeting March 10, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Somerset Messenger Gazette and The Courier News of the time, date and place of this meeting, posting a notice on the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. Upon call of the roll: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Carra Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Marago - Absent Councilman Lamaestra Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk Engineer’s Report Thompson Street Parking Lot Plans are being prepared plans targeting the $115k available budget. Council must decide the signage for parking, i.e. parking restrictions. We are working with PSE&G in the design of lighting which will be similar to the lighting on Somerset Street. PSE&G indicated that they will have a design for consideration in January. They now indicate that their design will be finalized in March. Sanitary Sewers We were able to obtain water billing data much earlier this year and thus have started the sanitary sewer billing process. We expect to complete the bills in mid March. Energy Audit Program The PMF has requested information on the Municipal Building. We are reviewing the request and will gather data accordingly. Busky Lane We have completed a survey description for the required easement on the mall property. Should Council concur, the project can be quoted subject to available funding. The cost should be below the formal bid threshold. Recreation Plans We are finalizing plans and specifications for improvements to the Basilone Pool and Frelinghuyzen Park as funded through CDBG. Plans will be ready for bid in March. CBDG Grants Final Applications were submitted, on March 4, for the following projects: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Police Department ADA Access – to get chair lift for police entrance & 2 remote operated doors Orlando Drive Improvements, Rt. 206 to Busky Lane. – plan matches visioning plan with boulevard entrance, two roads with trees. Anderson Street Firehouse The Mayor and Council had been presented with proposed change orders as submitted through the Farewell Mills and Gatsch for additional work at the firehouse. We are reviewing the change order requests in conjunction with apparent reductions and will report on Tuesday. Lou Gara is also checking into code requirements at my request. Stan Schrek stated that the architect gave summary of change orders: remove 4” sanitary pipe and replace; remove and replace cold water piping; several credits for stucco repair; misc. masonry; sheetrock in hallway; demolition of paneling and stucco in hallway, possibly public works could do some of these as a winter projects. At this point the Engineer’s report was halted for the Resolution and swearing in of Officer Holt. RESOLUTION NEW PATROLMAN – HOLT Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Council President Laggini, seconded by Councilwoman Wilson, roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Mayor Liptak performed the swearing in of Officer Holt. At this point discussion resumed on the Engineer’s report: Councilwoman Wilson inquired about the energy audit and asked if they will be looking at tubular day lighting systems which is now required for green buildings. Councilman Licht stated that signage for the Thompson Street parking lot must be decided, Stan Schrek noted that merchant parking is recommended and some sort of sticker system would have to put in place. Meeting Schedule and Format Mayor Liptak agreed with Council that the current meeting schedule and format is not working but maintained that she feels two meetings are required for July and August. Council Disagreed as Special Meetings are called as needed. Mayor and Council agreed to schedule the July meeting on the 14th and August on the 11th, to allow time between for any meetings that may need to be called. Newsletter Councilman Licht stated that if a newsletter is to be compiled, Dan Jaxel must instruct Department Heads to submit information as not enough has been submitted. It was also discussed to possibly approach the Chamber to see if they would like to submit anything and maybe share the cost. Website Mayor Liptak asked if it was possible to punch up the Borough website with photographs. Councilman Licht stated that we could do a slideshow with pictures. Housing Rental Ordinance Council discussed the housing ordinance from Hammonton, which encompasses the maximum number of occupants in each unit be posted in each apartment, a registration form be completed, inspections are required more frequently than Raritan currently performs, if a property is more than two quarters in arrears on their taxes or sewer they can not register as a rental, (Paul Rizzo noted this could be challenged), owner and non-owner occupied need to be inspected. Councilman Laggini asked Mr. Rizzo to research state statutes. Circle Redevelopment Area Stan Schrek stated that the Council needs to authorize the application for a grant to look at the circle area and noted we are in receipt of the grant. He noted that two properties are fully meeting all guidelines (Denny’s and Popeye’s). Councilman Licht stated the costs must stay within the confines of the grant, professional and legal expenses can not exceed. It was noted that the first step is to perform a title search including the hotel/motel. Councilman Laggini made motion to authorize the planning board to pursue the grant and redevelopment area at the circle, motion was seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye, on the condition that funds of the grant monies are not exceeded. Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Absent Councilman Lamaestra Aye Orlando Drive Councilwoman Wilson stated that she had contacted Banish, who would be interested in coming to a Council meeting for discussion. Clerk was instructed to place on Agenda for March 24th. Councilwoman Wilson also noted that she had discussed with him that stakeholders and business owners were omitted from the last meeting. County Auction – Police Car Dan Jaxel stated that bicycles, brush chipper and a 2003 crown Victoria were all no longer of use to the Borough and asked for council permission to release to Somerset County for auction. Council agreed with this request. Taxi Driver Application - Garcia Council President Laggini made motion to approve a taxi driver application for Mr. Garcia, motion seconded by Councilman Licht. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. 2009 Municipal Pavement Striping and Marking Dan Jaxel stated that if there are any roads needing marking or striping to let Stan know, as the County is compiling their list. Councilwoman Wilson noted that the Borough now owns a striping machine and there is no need to currently utilize this service from the County. Mayor Liptak noted that a crosswalk at 2nd Street and First Avenue needs to be marked. Councilman Licht asked for police recommendation. Council President Laggini stated that at Somerset and Gaston motorists can not see to make a left turn, Dan is to let County know of this issue. Handicap Parking Request Council agreed a resolution is needed for the next meeting for this request. Stan is to supply Paul Rizzo with the metes and bounds. Floor Maintenance Council President Laggini feels that the quotes provided are reasonable but wants confirmation of what offices will be done and the furniture will be moved. Poster Contest Councilwoman Wilson stated that the Environmental Commission would like to do a poster contest for Earth Day and wants the winners displayed in the Municipal Building. Mayor Liptak suggested Mr. Schilder be contacted to run the poster idea through the schools. Regional Center Contribution Mayor Liptak stated the Regional Center lowered our contribution from $20,000 to $18,000 in light of the current economic conditions. Councilwoman Carra made motion to approve the purchase of a compressor with gun, hoses and attachments from Penn Jersey for Public Works, in the amount of $14,274, motion seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Public Comment Al Smith, Somerset Street, stated that the school aid was going to be cut and there would be a meeting Thursday, 8:00 pm at Kennedy School. He also noted the calendar was beautiful but did not list meeting dates for the School Board, Environmental Commission and Library. Don Tozzi, Glaser Avenue, noted that he is putting a book together, his grandfather started the Victory Club with only three others, and they have items they would be willing to donate to the library if they could be in a locked box. Mike Lopez, Plainfield Avenue, asked if the Council was going back to the original meeting schedule, answer was yes. Greg Lobel, asked if the Chamber would be allowed to have input on the newsletter and if there could be a link placed on the Borough web page to the Chamber’s web page. He also stated that there are over 900 rental units and maybe Council could consider community sharing for and employee to do the inspections and bring more revenue to pay employee. Stefanie Gara, Church Street, stated that if it could be found who has the title work information for the circle area, we could use that and only go forward from that point. Motion was made by Councilwoman Carra and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to move into Executive Session. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk