Borough of Raritan Council Regular Meeting March 24, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Courier News and the Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 8:18 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following were present: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Lamaestra Councilwoman Carra Councilman Marago – Arrived 7:10 pm Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Council President Laggini presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes The January 27, 2009 Regular and Executive minutes were presented for approval. Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye Public Comments Mayor Liptak read an letter thanking Lou Grasso for his many years of service and wished him well on his retirement. Lou stated that he is thankful and grateful every day for his life and thanked his parents. No public comments were made. Public portion was closed RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION REFUND TAX OVERPAYMENT ON BLOCK 79 LOT 48 Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. APPOINTING KARIN KNEAFSEY CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. RAILROAD MONTHLY PARKING REFUND Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. 2009 RESOLUTION 2008 BUDGET TRANSFER Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. REQUIREMENTS OF PRELIMINARY COSTS Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Licht, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL FIRM Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Licht, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. AUTHORIZING FAREWELL MILLS AND GATSCH TO PREPARE GRANT APPLICATION Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Licht, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Committee Reports: Council President Laggini noted for recreation the Easter egg hunt is scheduled for April 4th with a rain date of the 11th. Council President Laggini made motion to approve the expenditure of $3,105. to Hanson for infield mix, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Council President Laggini asked Council permission for Mrs. Santos to display ribbons for the month of May at Frelinghuysen Field on Sherman Avenue, she will remove on Monday June 1st, to honor National Mental Health Awareness Month. Council agreed. Councilman Licht stated that he attended the Board of Health meeting and there were 17 food inspections and 20 environmental investigations for the month of February. The registrars office brought in $1,408 for January and $1,723 for February. Food and beverage licenses brought in $116 for February and Councilman Licht thanked Annie Lella for providing that report. Councilman Licht reported on Public Buildings and Grounds the Library received a Somerset County Historic Preservation grant of $136,800 and an additional grant in the amount of $264,075 from the NJ Historic Trust. Councilman Licht made motion to approve a purchase order to PSE&G in the amount of $4762.60 for the new Thompson Street parking lot lighting fixtures, seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Licht made motion to approve a purchase to P & J Maintenance of Raritan NJ for $2300 for Municipal floor stripping and maintenance, seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Licht made motions to approve Change Order number 2 to Prescision Builders in the amount of $22,633. and moving to approve professional service amendments in the amount of $12,550 to Farewell Mills and Gastch, motion was seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Carra noted that Public Works has been busy cleaning parks, brought bikes to County auction and has delivered electronics to the County in addition to their regular duties. Councilwoman Carra recycling now accepts chip board. Councilwoman Carra made motion to hire Anthony Capici for the laborer position in Public works at a rate of $19.62 per hour, seconded by Councilman Marago. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Carra stated that on March 13th New Jersey will begin a 30 day speeding ticket frenzy. Councilwoman Wilson stated the Borough will received $21,352 less in state aid from the DCA, Division of Local Government Services. Councilwoman Wilson stated that last Thursday she met with Warren Korecky, Dan Jaxel and Carolyn Gara for a preliminary budget meeting and they began plugging in numbers for the budget. The next step will be a meeting on March 31 with the governing body. Councilwoman Wilson noted that the Freeholders regarding the Federal Stimulus Overview, the County is developing a working stimulus group to keep everyone up to date on available funding and to make sure our dollars are being used. Councilwoman Wilson stated that the Environmental Group has received information on the Sustainable Jersey Grant that is funded by Walmart in the amounts of $10,000 or $25,000 to NJ municipalities. She handed all information over to Stan Schrek for further investigation of this possible funding. Councilwoman Wilson noted the garden club will be planting on Saturday, April 25th out side the municipal building and is looking for volunteers. She advised everyone to please bring a shovel and a friend to help out. Councilwoman Wilson stated that on March 13th she attended the first annual Celebration Day brunch honoring women in public service in municipal government and that Pam Huefner attended for the Clerk’s Association and Jo Ann Liptak also attended for the Mayor’s Association. She noted it was a wonderful event. Councilwoman Wilson congratulated Kathleen Guide, a Green Brook elementary teacher and member of the Raritan Library Board of Trustees, for being awarded teacher of the year in Green Brook. Councilman Marago read the police statistics for moving violations, parking violations, arrests, criminal complaints and fire calls. Council Marago stated that he attended the Library meeting on March 18th, they want Stan to go to the library and view some damage. There was also an issue of liability for Anelle Disisto and the architects using a ladder at the library, which will be moved to old business. The library was awarded $264,075 from Garden State Preservation trust in grant funds. Councilman Marago announced that Louisa and Mike Lopez are loaning some historical artifacts to the Library for display on April 22 to May 2nd. Councilman Lamaestra made motion to send a letter to the police that was sent to council, which was threatening. Chief Hess noted that it will have to be sent to the prosecutor’s office due to the nature of the letter. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Carra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Mayor Liptak stated that she received a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection advising the Borough that they have been awarded $7,844.46. And the second letter she received was one was from the League of Municipalities which noted that the age restricted housing bill was passed through the general assembly. They are trying to get this bill vetoed. Mayor Liptak stated that Raritan Pharmacy will be opening on June 15th. Unfinished Business a. Rental Ordinance: carry over to next month, Paul Rizzo stated that Lou Gara wants to speak to Council prior to any changes made to the rental ordinance b. Busky Lane: Stan sent Paul metes and bounds description, easement agreement dictated and going out to Larry Berger. c. General Code: awaiting email d. Rescue Squad Donation: wait for budget e. Orlando Drive: email from Frank Banisch received. Council wants Mr. Banisch present at a mutual Planning Board and Council meeting. Councilman Marago stated that the question is a liability issue of the Borough helping Anelle DiSisto get on the roof to take pictures. We do not want the liability if she fell off the roof or got hurt. She wants at least a 40 foot ladder or the fire department to come and lift her up there. She wants to see the flashings on the roof. She noted that if we can’t get her up there she could hire a firm, which would charge a significant amount of money that would be charged to the library. It was noted that if she would sign a waiver that may work out the liability issue. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Marago questioned the railroad refunds and if we are obligated to give the money back. Dan Jaxel explained the process and purpose of this practice, which is usually people who lose their jobs and only for unused full months. Dan also stated that we usually resell the returned permits. Councilwoman Wilson stated the garden club is still trying to get their information out to the public and asked if we could post a link to their web site from the Borough web site. Councilwoman Carra suggested they use the Chamber we site for a link. Council agreed to allow the link be posted on the Borough web site. It was noted that bids are coming in for computer services. Councilman Marago stated that one of our public works employees, Hank Schallenberger, picked up an older resident with a walker and gave her a ride to Borough Hall so that she could pay her taxes. He would like to acknowledge his good deed. Public Comment: A gentleman suggested that the Borough email the governor regarding the bills that were discussed A3772 and S2577 and we would like to have vetoed. He volunteered to find the email address for us. Bills List Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve bills list, seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Wilson made motion to adjourn, seconded by Council President Lagging. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk /pah