Borough of Raritan Council Regular Meeting July 14, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Courier News and the Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following were present: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Lamaestra Councilwoman Carra - Absent Councilman Marago – Arrived 6:45 pm Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk - Absent Council President Laggini presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Public Comments Anthony DeCicco, 10 Anderson Street, stated that the quickest response time for emergency responders can save lives and they must use quickest route to get to the scene, then he asked why the Council would even consider closing Busky Lane. He asked Council to reconsider closing Busky Lane. Tom Granahan, 434 Raritan Avenue, asked council to consider a no thru traffic or dead end sign at the end of Haran Street, as all three of his cars have been hit in the last year because people do not know it is a no outlet. ????????, 9 Church Street, is confused with the rules of bulk pick up, he had materials out that were denied pick up and classified as construction materials yet he saw them pick up shingles and wood from another residence. PW did not also take bags of grass clippings from his house. Dan Jaxel stated that he would speak to Public Works and contact the resident the next day. Kelly Worosila, 421 Vanderveer Road, resident complained about graffiti at the park and people using her yard as access to the park. She also commented on lighting at the park that would shine directly into her house. She suggested that a proposed basketball court go onto the other side of the park so as not to disturb her. She also stated that she has called the police when she has witnessed problems. Alex Salerno, 36 Anderson Street, wanted clarification of Property Maintenance Code, Paul Rizzo explained that the current code updates every 3 years and our ordinance needed to be updated. Mr. Salerno asked why we are not using the 2009 version. Paul explained that here are times when there are amendments to the state code that Mr. Gara does not feel are appropriate to the Borough. Mr. Salerno asked why the request for a sketch of rental units, Mayor Liptak explained that would be used for clarification year to year of sleeping rooms. Don Tozzi, 38 Glaser Avenue, asked about home inspection of renters, stated that we keep running into road blocks every time we want to clean up our problem. He suggested that they be inspected every year, and wants a stop to too many people living in the houses. Tom Granahan was walking back from post office and over Uncle Vinnie’s windows were open, and laundry was hanging out of it. He also wants rentals brought under control. Mark Gara, 21 Church Street, also echos Mr. Tozzi’s statement regarding rentals, and does not want laundry hanging in people front yards. Mike Lopez, 191 Plainfield Avenue, street plates are raised above ground by St. Ann’s. Stan called the water company to report and did not hear back from them. He will call again and if no response he will ask PW to look at it. Public Hearing and Final Adoption of Ordinance 09-03 Motion to Adopt Ordinance 09-03 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 82, ENTITLED VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF RARITAN Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to open the Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened. Dan Jaxel explained that it contains rules for parking permits from First Avenue to Johnson Drive. Anthony DeCicco stated that all residents should have a sticker that would allow them to park anywhere in the Borough and asked why First Avenue gets a special dispensation. Councilman Lamaestra explained that the residents of First Avenue have no place to park with the non residents taking all the spaces. They will now be allowed to park on First, Second or Third Streets. Lynn Bray, 21 Anderson Street, agrees that it is very confusing and the parking restrictions are not enforced on Anderson Street by the police. She wants the restrictions enforced. Public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to close Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed. Motion to Adopt by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded Council President Laggini, roll call vote was as follows; Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held on June 23, 2009, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on July 14, 2009 and that the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said ordinance in accordance with law. Public Hearing and Final Adoption of Ordinance 09-04 Motion to Adopt Ordinance 09-04 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE TO FIX AND DETERMINE THE SALARIES, WAGES OR COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO BERTAIN OFFICES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF RARITAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE TIMES AND PAYMENT THEREFORE Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Council President Laggini to open the Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened. Tom Granahan asked if the CFO’s salary was broken down to two lines. Dan explained that it is prorated. Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Councilman Licht to close Public Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed. Motion to Adopt by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded Councilman Marago, roll call vote was as follows; Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held on June 23, 2009, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on July 14, 2009 and that the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said ordinance in accordance with law. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRE-QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR PAHSE III EXTERIOR RESTORATION OF THE LIBRARY Dan Jaxel explained that this is for historical restoration of the library. The formal process must include a resolution and public hearing before we can go out to bid from the pre-qualified bidders. Motion to open public hearing, was made by Councilman Licht, seconded by Council President Laggini, upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. There was no problem comment and public hearing was closed. Motion to closed public hearing was made by Councilman Marago and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. RESOLUTIONS RAILROAD MONTHLY PARKING REFUND Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. 2009 SALARIES Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. BOROUGH OF RARITAN RESOLUTION PHASE THREE EXTERIOR RESTORATION OF THE RARITAN PUBLIC LIBRARY AT 54 EAST SOMERSET STREET Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Marago, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. RENEWAL OF PLENARY REATIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CLUB VINIFERA, LLC T/A TWO AMIGOS Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Marago, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Absent Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Committee Reports: Council President Laggini stated that he would like to thank Mr. Smith for attending the Council Meeting. Council President Laggini made motion to approve PO’s for recreation; $2,000 for repair of Basilone Pool, PO for pool supplies for the summer season for $2,000, and $1,673.74 for removal of pool cover and opening of Borough pools, all for D&B Pool Supplies, Raritan, NJ; plus approval of $2,855 to NJ Sports Assigning Bureau of Flanders, NJ for umpires and assigner for the 2009 ball programs, motion was seconded by Councilman Marago. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Both pools are opening and operating. Council President Laggini stated that he has been working with Dan Jaxel to get a “children at play” sign put up on Elmer Street due to residents request. Council President Laggini stated that he has also been working with Dan Jaxel and Danny Laverde to get the First Avenue underpass cleaned up. He also stated that Meet Your Neighbor Day is also looking to have a hotdog eating contest and adding pony rides for this year. Councilman Licht made motion to approve the lease for the Pitney Bowes mail machine at rate of $456, motion seconded by Council President Lagging. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Licht read a report from the Board of Health explaining how to help eliminate mosquitos from breeding on your property. Councilman Licht stated that on June 30th he visited Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, he was impressed with the facility and operation and is happy to report they are expanding their operation here in Raritan. Councilman Licht reported from the Environmental Commission meeting that residents are encouraged to sign up for the Borough Garden Contest. Councilman Licht and Councilman Lamaestra attended a Gang Awareness meeting, Councilman Licht stated: it was reassuring to hear Chief Hess commended for his efforts by Sgt. Joe Walsh, from the County Prosecutors Office. Chief Hess’ proactive measures keep this a safe community. A resident informed Councilman Licht that he feels very safe walking here in the late evening hours, whereas his former residence in North Plainfield he could not leave his house after 9:30 pm. Councilman Licht stated that the property maintenance report was received and showed from June 6 to June 29 there were 46 complaints and a lot of these were self inspections showing a much more proactive approach. He also noted Raritan Library does have our code books available to the residents. He stated we need to give our code officials a chance to do their jobs and enforce the laws. A recent violation was a $2,000 penalty for having sleeping quarters illegally in a basement. Councilwoman Wilson stated the Ortho Diagnostics visit was very interesting and it was discovered that they have plans to put solar panels on their buildings. She also showed the public the flyer for the Garden Contest. Councilwoman Wilson sated that the County will be setting the tax rate sometime next week and bills will be forth coming. Bills should be mailed by July 31 and grace period will be extended. Councilwoman Wilson made motion to appoint Karin Kneafsey to the position of Tax Collector for a four year term, beginning 7/15/09, with no increase in pay. She shall receive no compensation except for one additional week vacation. Motion was seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Marago stated the Library was awarded a grant for 20 books from Pictures of America Program. Raritan will create a scrap book of pictures of Raritan and is asking for pictures of families and landmarks to be brought to the library for inclusion in the scrap book. The scrap book will be called Picturing Raritan. Police statistics from June were read by Councilman Marago. Motion was made by Councilman Marago to approve a purchase order for a new police vehicle from Winner Ford of Cherry Hill in the amount of $21,758.00. Motion was seconded by Council President Lagging. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Marago made motion to approve a purchase order for a camera outside the Municipal Building from Access Systems of Hazlet, NJ in the amount of $2,285.55. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Marago made motion to approve a lease for a new copier for the police from Ricoh of Iselin, NJ in the amount of $190.40 for 60 months, motion was seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon call of roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Marago made motion to approve a walk through weapons and metal detector from Desco & Associates of Richmondville, NY in the amount of $2,359.00. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Carra. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Lamaestra made motion to accept contract from Delucas paving for $17,975 for repairs to Gaston Avenue brook, motion was seconded by Councilman Licht. Upon call of roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Lamaestra read the Fire Chief’s report, in June there 4 alarms , three training drills and one work detail, a total of 9 events and 151 hour man hours. Councilman Lamaestra stated the Somerville rescue squad is holding a car wash October 8, from 9am to 3 pm. He also reiterated the information about the stone and plaque going by the Basilone statue commemorating his Navy Cross Medal. September 25, 6 to 9 pm Canal Street will be closed for a concert at the Basilone statute. Councilman Lamaestra also stated a stop sign is missing at the intersection of Thompson and Bell Avenue. Dan Jaxel will look into. Mayor Liptak stated that on Sept 12 between 9:00 am and 12:45 at RVCC there is an Energy Smart Somerset forum. She also received quiet zone designation information, and it must have enough space at rail crossing for sliding gates to prevent cars from going through, and we do not have the room for it. Mayor Liptak stated that tomorrow the Regional Center will be meting at 5:00 pm and she has been invited to attend a Duke Farms focus group on where they are going and what they are doing. She also noted that the last Gang Awareness meeting was a big success. Unfinished Business a. Rental Ordinance: ongoing b. Busky Lane: Paul Rizzo left another voice message for Mr. Berger c. General Code: still awaiting the mid September editorial analysis d. Orlando Drive: stimulus grant application in, awaiting up dates e. Hidden Pond: discussed in Engineers Report f. Main Street NJ: Mark Maher from Chamber is our rep at that g. Recreation Grant: discussed in Engineers report h. Tax Bill Information: Council was given info from Dan i. Economic Development: Peter Wright wants to come to meeting for explanation of process NEW BUSINESS Regional Center Challenge Grants are due by October 5th. Council President Laggini said he received a letter from NJ Transit and had copies available for the public. He stated it is the same information we have been receiving, nothing new. Councilwoman Wilson noted that Ortho would be willing to come to a meeting on this as they feel the vibrations also. Councilman Lamaestra thanked Steve Krachun, Dan Del Rocco, Matt Machala and Tom DeSantis for work they have done in Bound Brook and Middlesex while they were in training class for the Fire Department. Public Comment: Anthony DeCicco, commented that he does not want Busky Lane closed, especially if Orlando is going to be closed for repairs. It should be left open for access while other roads are being repaired. He also commented on the meeting with Ortho and the rapport with the Borough. Greg Lobell, 42 Second Street, wants a copy of the report Lou Gara put together with the recommendations made for the housing ordinance. Don Tozzi, Glaser Avenue, stated the main reason Busky should be closed is the tractor trailers, there are thirteen broken concrete pieces and truck are grazing the telephone poles making an unsafe environment. Bills List Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve bills list, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Wilson made motion to adjourn to Executive Session, seconded by Council President Lagging. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk /pah