Borough of Raritan Council
Regular Meeting
January 27, 2009

The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the  Courier News and 
the Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on 
the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement
 in the minutes of this meeting.

Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Upon call of the roll, the following were present:

Mayor Liptak
Council President Laggini
Councilman Licht
Councilwoman Wilson 
Councilman Lamaestra
Councilwoman Carra 
Councilman Marago – Arrived 7:06 pm

Also present was:

Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator
Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney
Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer 
Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk

Councilman Lamaestra presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes:

December 30, 2008 Special Session, December 30, 2008 Special Executive Session and January 6, 2009 
Executive Session were presented for approval.

Motion was made by Councilwoman Carra and seconded by Councilman Licht, upon call of the roll:

Council President Laggini				Aye
Councilman Licht					Aye
Councilwoman Carra					Aye
Councilwoman Wilson		Abstain from December 30th; Aye for January  6.
Councilman Marago					Aye
Councilman Lamaestra				Aye

Public Comments

None, public portion was closed

Engineers Report:

Thompson Street Parking Lot

Plans are being prepared plans targeting the $115k available budget. Council must decide the signage for 
parking, i.e. parking restrictions. We are working with PSE&G in the design of lighting which will be 
similar to the lighting on Somerset Street. PSE&G indicated that they will have a design for consideration 
in January. We are still waiting for a response from PSE&G.

5 trees in plan for parking lot.

Sanitary Sewers

Plans are being prepared for TV inspection and repairs to the sanitary sewer lines on Orlando Drive from 
First Avenue to Route 206.This will be completed in anticipation of the Orland Drive reconstruction project
 moving forward. The sanitary sewer project is funded through CDBG.

CDBG Pre-application

Pre-applications were due on January 21. Without the opportunity to discuss this with Council prior to the
 submission date, I submitted pre-application as follows:

Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation                $100,000
Bell Avenue Drainage Improvements    $100,000

These pre-applications are non bonding and may be revised or changed prior to the full applications 
submittals in March. I will explain my thoughts on these projects at the meeting.

Federal/State Stimulus Program

There has been much talk and correspondence with regard to a possible infrastructure funding program.
 The state is now promoting a loan program for water/wastewater projects. NJSME has been following 
and it now looks likely that a grant program will be introduced whereby “shovel ready” projects will
 be considered. Shovel ready meaning bid and into construction with 120 days of funding. Orlando Drive
 is a perfect candidate as survey work has been completed. It is noted that the “visioning planning” 
has not been completed.

Energy Audit Program

I attended a work session, conducted by the county, with regard to the submittal of the Energy Audit 
Grant applications. These applications are due on February 12 and we are proceeding with the 
I believe the supporting Resolution will be on for the meeting on Tuesday. I can discuss the program,
 in detail at the meeting.


Motion to Adopt Ordinance 08-14


BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the 
ordinance entitled:


Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra  to open the Public 
Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened.

No one wished to speak.

Motion was made by Councilman Licht and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to close Public 
Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Adopt by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded Councilman Licht, roll call vote was as follows;

			Council President Laggini			Aye
			Councilman Licht				Aye
			Councilwoman Carra				Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson			Aye
			Councilman Marago				Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra			Aye

The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council
 held on September 23, 2008, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on January 27, 2009 and that
 the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said 
ordinance in accordance with law.

Motion to Adopt Ordinance 08-15


BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the 
ordinance entitled:


Motion was made by Councilwoman Carra and seconded by Councilwoman Wilson  to open the Public Hearing.
 Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened.

No one wished to speak.

Motion was made by Councilwoman Cara and seconded by Councilwoman Wilson to close Public Hearing. Upon 
call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Adopt by Councilwoman Carra, seconded Councilwoman Wilson, roll call vote was as follows;

			Council President Laggini			Aye
			Councilman Licht				Aye
			Councilwoman Carra				Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson			Aye
			Councilman Marago				Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra			Aye

The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held
 on November 25, 2008, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on January 27, 2009 and that the 
Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said ordinance 
in accordance with law.

Motion to Adopt Ordinance 08-16


BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the 
ordinance entitled:


Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra  to open the Public
 Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened.

No one wished to speak.

Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to close Public Hearing.
 Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Adopt by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded Council President Laggini, roll call vote was as follows;

			Council President Laggini			Aye
			Councilman Licht				Aye
			Councilwoman Carra				Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson			Aye
			Councilman Marago				Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra			Aye

The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council 
held on November 25, 2008, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on January 27, 2009 and that
 the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of 
said ordinance in accordance with law.

Motion to Adopt Ordinance 08-17


BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council, in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, that the 
ordinance entitled:


Motion was made by Council President Laggini and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra  to open the Public 
Hearing. Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and public hearing was opened.

No one wished to speak.

Motion was made by Councilman Lamaestra and seconded by Councilwoman Carra to close Public Hearing. 
Upon call of the roll it was unanimously carried and the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Adopt by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded Councilwoman Carra, roll call vote was as follows;

			Council President Laggini			Aye
			Councilman Licht				Aye
			Councilwoman Carra				Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson			Aye
			Councilman Marago				Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra			Aye

The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council 
held on November 25, 2008, and it hereby is, finally passed and adopted on January 27, 2009 and that 
the Borough Clerk be and hereby is, authorized and directed to publish notice of this passage of said
 ordinance in accordance with law.



Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Licht, seconded by Councilwoman 
Wilson. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Council President Laggini, seconded by 
Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by 

Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilason, seconded by 
Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Council President Laggini, seconded by
 Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.



Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by 
Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


HALLO FOR $40.00

Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by 
Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolutions were approved.

Committee Reports:

Council President Laggini stated Recreation softball and baseball registration are coming up soon, 
and there are still several open issues that Stan is working on. He also stated that he has called 
the schools to reach out as liaison and open a line of communication.

Councilman Licht stated that the dead birds found within Somerset County are the result of a culling 
of starlings and blackbirds and not due to any diseases. He also noted that heart disease is the numbe
r one killer of women in the United States and that all should partake in the National Wear Red day
 to bring awareness to this issue.

Councilman Licht noted the Board of Health brought in $224 and the Vital Statistics office received

Councilwoman Carra stated that Public Works has been busy replacing faded street signs, salting 
roads and working on Borough vehicles in addition to their regular duties.

Councilwoman Carra made motion to approve the expenditure of $1,656.09 to Southwestern Petro,
 Ft. Worth Texas for the purchase of grease and oil. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lamaestra,
 upon call of the roll, Councilman Marago abstained and the rest of Council were aye. Motion 
was approved.

Councilwoman Carra stated that on January 20th the Chamber of Commerce elected Mark Maher as their
 new President, and they look forward to continuing and expanding the organization this year. 
The Chamber is contemplating holding a Farmers Market from June 1 to November 1, one day per week
 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Dan Jaxel stated that he ordered 50 tons of salt from the County today at $64.69 per ton.

Councilwoman Wilson stated the Governing Body has met with Department Heads to begin the budget 
process; resumes for the CFO position have been discussed and interviews will begin soon; and 
the next Environmental Commission is on February 4th at 7:00 pm.

Councilman Marago stated that the Police Awards Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 pm.

Mayor Liptak stated the DARE Graduation is coming up; she attended the Rescue Squad installation 
dinner and RVCC is holding a summer enrichment program for children which is suppose to be 
highly recommended. 

Mayor Liptak met last week with the Somerset County Planning Board to discuss the pedestrian bicycle
 and greenway study, it was recommended to put in sidewalks on First Avenue over 202 to Prospect Street,
 and crossing between Somerset Street in Raritan and Somerset Street in Somerville.

Mayor Liptak thanked the Duke Farm Foundation and Tim Taylor for donations made to the Police and Fire;
 she also noted that the Borough is entitled to one million in grants for recreation purposes only.

Unfinished Business:

Was instructed to add Busky Lane, General Code and Meehan sidewalk to future unfinished business list.

New Business:

Council President Laggini stated that the Meet Your Neighbor Day is scheduled for October 4th with a
 rain date of October 11th, this is the 4th annual event and this year Michelle Marone is co-chair.

Councilwoman Carra made motion to approve the purchase of a Brush Bandit wood chipper at the cost of
 $31,008.10 from Cherry Valley Tractor Sales, Marlton, NJ, Seconded by Councilman Marago. Upon call
 of the roll, motion was unanimously approved.

Dan Jaxel noted the quote for the complete floor cleaning and burnishing, including the police locker
 room areas is $3,392.64. Dan was told to meet with Mr. DeAngelo and further discuss this matter.

Councilman Marago stated the Somerville/Raritan Rescue Squad is looking for a $12,000 donation plus
 a small land parcel at 57 LaGrange Street. Councilman Licht wants to do a financial analysis on this 
issue. Stan Schrek noted that the squad wants to renovate the hall to rent it out to generate income.

Councilman Marago motioned to approve the submitted Tower/Wrecker, Video/Gaming License applications 
and Taxi License application for Costanza, seconded by Councilman Licht. Upon call of the roll motion 
was unanimously approved.

Public Comment:

None. Public Comment closed.

Approval of Bills

Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve bills list totaling $2,197,237.06, seconded by Councilman 
Laggini. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Carra made motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Councilman Marago. Upon call of the 
roll motion was unanimously passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.

Meeting reconvened at 8:55 pm, after Executive Session.

Councilwoman Carra made motion to hire Dan LaVerde on a permanent basis, now that his one year 
probationary period over. Motion seconded by Councilman Marago, upon call of the roll motion was 
unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Wilson made motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll,
 motion was unanimously passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR
Borough Clerk
