Borough of Raritan Council
Regular Meeting
February 24, 2009

The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the  Courier News and the
 Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on the 
official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in 
the minutes of this meeting.

Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Upon call of the roll, the following were present:

Council President Laggini
Councilman Licht
Councilwoman Wilson 
Councilman Lamaestra
Councilwoman Carra 
Councilman Marago – arrived 6:38 p.m.

Also present was:

Mayor Jo-Ann Liptak
Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator
Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney
Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer 
Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk

Councilman Lamaestra presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval Of Minutes:

Motion was made by Councilwoman Wilson and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to approve the January 27, 2009
 Agenda, Regular and Executive minutes. Roll call vote was as follows:
Council President Laggini			Aye
			Councilman Licht 				Aye
			Councilwoman Cara				Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson			Aye
			Councilman Marago				Absent
			Councilman Lamaestra			Aye

Minutes presented were approved.

Public Comments 

None – public portion was closed

Engineer’s Report and Public Hearing on CDBG Applications

Thompson Street Parking Lot

Plans are being prepared plans targeting the $115k available budget. Council must decide the signage for
 parking, i.e. parking restrictions. We are working with PSE&G in the design of lighting which will be 
similar to the lighting on Somerset Street. PSE&G indicated that they will have a design for consideration
 in January. We are still waiting for a response from PSE&G.

Sanitary Sewers

We were able to obtain water billing data much earlier this year and thus have started the sanitary sewer
 billing process. We expect to complete the bills in mid March.

Orlando Drive Corridor Study

Banisch Associates has completed the “Orland Drive Vision Plan and Corridor Design Study” as funded by
 the County. Interested stakeholders reviewed the final report at a Neighborhood Focus Group meeting 
held February 17. The report summarizes the “multiplicity of functions” performed by the corridor as 
both an Eastern and Western gateway into the Borough. That aside, with this report completed, the Borough
 can now pursue funding to reconstruct the road. It is suggested that the improvements be considered in 
sections or phases with primary focus on the section from Route 206, westerly to Busky Lane.

Energy Audit Program

The application has been submitted and acknowledged per the County’s deadline.

Busky Lane

We have completed plans and cost estimates for the barrier on Busky Lane. The Mayor and I will be meeting
 with mall owner, on February 20, to discuss the bus turning movements associated with the drop-offs to 
the park. I observed the bus traffic, recently, and noted that the buses are making the exact movement 
now and are not continuing through to Glaser Avenue.

Thompson Street complete, $89,000 approximate base contract amount, needed a $3,406.00 change order to 
Z Brothers Construction. Stan was waiting for core samples and will not pay until they come in.

CBDG Grants

Community Development Grant applications are due on March 4. We earlier submitted pre-applications for 
continued sanitary sewer rehabilitation as well as proposed drainage improvements on Bell Avenue. The Mayor
 and Council should consider adding Orlando Drive now that the visioning work has been completed. 

Stan stated he is applying for $100,000 for sanitary sewers and drainage for Bell Avenue; visioning for 
Orlando Drive now complete and is asking for reconstruction; looking for the other $400,000 from DOT 
application and possibly partnering with mall.

Councilman Lamaestra made motion to open Public Hearing on CDBG Grant Application, seconded by 
Councilman Marago. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved.

Dan Jaxel informed the public of the applications he had received.

No public comment was presented.

Motion to close public portion was made by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by Council President Laggini.
 Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved.


DOCKET NO.: 002098-2008

Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by Councilwoman
 Wilson. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Council 
President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved.


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by 
Councilman Lamaestra. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by 
Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved

Congratulating the Honorable Jo-Ann Liptak
2009 SCCSW Distinguished Honoree

Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Council President Laggini, seconded by 
Councilman Marago. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved


Motion was made to approve the above listed resolutions by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by 
Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows:

			Council President Laggini		Aye
			Councilman Licht			Aye
			Councilwoman Carra			Aye
			Councilwoman Wilson		Aye
			Councilman Marago			Aye
			Councilman Lamaestra		Aye

The above listed resolution was approved

Committee Reports:

Council President Laggini stated that he has been working with Rich Bartolucci and others in applying 
for a one million dollar grant for recreation. It can be used for anything new, replacement or improvement
 of existing equipment. 

Councilman Licht reported that the Board of Health brought in $122.00, Office of Vital Statistics brought
 in $1,408.00 and the County has checked all local stores for tainted peanut butter that has been recalled
 and none was found.

Councilwoman Carra reported that the Public Works Department has painted the Police Station, moved the
 furniture and assembled new furniture. She also commented that they have done a good job with the plowing
 and salting of the roads.

Councilwoman Carra made motion approve the purchase of an air compressor for the public works department
 PennJersey Machinery in the amount of $13,000, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll 
motion was unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Carra read the resignation letter of Lou Grosso and made motion to accept, seconded by Council
 President Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Carra motion to approve a change order to Z Brothers Construction in the amount of $3,406.50,
 seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Wilson stated that she attended the Police Awards Ceremony and it was a pleasure, she also
 attended a meeting with NJ Transit and the roof on the train station is getting repaired.

Councilwoman Wilson read the retirement letter from Carolyn Gara and made motion to accept, seconded by
 Council President Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilwoman Wilson 
noted that interviews are taking place to find a replacement CFO.

Councilman Marago made motion to approve a purchase order form the Police Department in the amount of
 $3,563.00 to Fit Rite for uniforms, motion seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, 
motion was unanimously approved.

Councilman Marago made motion to accept the resignation of Office Maria Dulmer, motion seconded by 
Councilwoman Wilson. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. 

Councilman Marago noted that he was at the Library when Anelle DiSisto came to take measurements with
 a bunch of people and could not get on roof to get measurements, he also stated that Mike Lopez is a
 big collector of civil war artifacts and offered to loan them to the Library for a special event.

Councilman Lamaestra reported that the tax freeze went up to $60,000 for seniors in 2007 and $70,000
 for 2008.

Mayor Liptak stated that the Library did a wonderful program on the 6th for President Lincoln and she
 also attended an Energy Star meeting that was very informative.

Mayor Liptak thanked Jamie Sunyak for the phenomenal job she has done for Raritan Borough.

Unfinished Business:

a.	Busky Lane – Stan will look at property and get Rich Bartolucci’s input on placement of 
equipment. Mr. Berger aware of $8,000 bond.
b.	Meehan sidewalk - resolved
c.	General Code – doing in-depth editorial review
d.	Orlando Drive – invite Banish to March 10th meeting
e.	Chief Uniform PO Request - resolved
f.	Rescue Squad Donation – Councilman Marago spoke with Steve Wynman and advised him that no 
decision on financial contribution until budget process advances. Councilman Lamaestra wants to 
lease land long term to squad to retain ownership. Stan advised that you can not lease a right of
 way unless property is vacated. Paul Rizzo will look into issue.

New Business:

Council President Laggini stated that Paul Rizzo took the proposed letter provided by the Civic Alliance
 and removed inflammatory statements. Paul Rizzo read the revised letter for the public. Council 
President Laggini made motion to have letter mailed to NJ Transit, upon voice vote all were in favor.

Paul Rizzo stated that he received a letter from Hidden Pond and they may agree to bear costs of survey
 but want to make sure there are no other hidden costs, it was noted that none are foreseen at this time.

Stan Schrek noted that Gaston Avenue Brook needs to be cleaned up again and will ask the watershed for
 funding. He also noted that funding is now available for the lower section culvert but the other areas
 will require a DEP permit, he must speak with the DEP regarding the foot bridges.

Mayor Liptak stated that computer proposals are coming in. Councilman Licht proposed that there be 
2 tiers of service, 3 hour notice or 8 hour notice plus emergency service.

Bicycles are ready for County auction along with the old brush/chipper. Councilman Lamaestra made
 motion to approve old equipment and bicycles to go to County, motion was seconded by Council President
 Laggini. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved.

Mayor Liptak advised Council that she was contacted by a teacher who has a “Green Team” and they would
 like to volunteer to clean up the train station. Borough needs indemnification from school, Council positive.

Stan stated that a large tree on Obert Drive fell on Woodmere Street and cause damage, gentleman on 
Woodmere wants help with removal.

Council President Laggini noted that two trees fell on Old York Road.

Councilwoman Carra noted that the Steve DelRocco sign is getting replaced and reinstalled.

Council President Laggini thanked Chief Hess for his time and all he gives to this town.

Public Comment:

Adrienne Schwall, 14 Obert Drive, thanked the Council President for bringing up the letter and noted 
that everything NJ Transit does is voluntary and they can go back to previous practices at any time. 
She also stated that the modeling study still shows dangerous levels of toxins in the air.

Mike Lopez, Plainfield Avenue, stated that he resents that Council “poo pooed” these letters and feels 
that they should carry the full weight of it’s authority. He also noted that last Wednesday at 5:45 a.m.
 someone rang the train horn 10 to 15 times. He then questioned the meeting changes; and stated the feels 
the security at the Library for his Civic War artifact display is adequate.

Bill Salerno, Weiss Terrace, thanked those on Council who attended meeting with railroad and then read a
 list of idling times and dates. He questioned what was happening at the old De Luca property, 
Stan will check. 

Approval of Bills:

Councilwoman Wilson made motion to approve the bills list, seconded by Council President Laggini. Upon
 call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved.

Councilwoman Carra made motion to adjourn to Executive, seconded by Councilman Marago. Upon call of 
the roll motion was unanimously passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR
Borough Clerk
