Borough of Raritan Council Agenda Meeting February 10, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Somerset Messenger Gazette and The Courier News of the time, date and place of this meeting, posting a notice on official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this in the minutes. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Upon call of the roll: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Carra Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Marago - Absent Councilman Lamaestra Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk Motion to Executive Session Councilwoman Wilson made motion to go into Executive Session, seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Meeting re-convened at 7:12 pm. Bridgewater-Raritan School Budget Cindy Collin, President of the School Board stated that they were present to provide an open forum for discussion on the school budget, Jeff Brookner, Dr. Schilder, Peter Stars, Christine and Al Smith were also present. Jeff Brookner handed out a few pages of data explaining the budget. He noted a more extended version was on the Board website. He stated that reasons for the numbers going up are due to: cost of health benefits, unionized salary increases, and decreasing state aid. He stated that a 0% increase would still raise the budget due to the previously listed expenses. 81% of budget goes to personnel salary and benefits. There were two columns of numbers to reflect the differences in state aid. General revenue was going up 3.45% due to operating costs. High school enrollment was going up 60 to 70 students. Renovations still going on at the middle school that need to be brought up to speed, and Adamsville school is an older building also and may need renovations. A lot of text books need to be bought to update the programs. State required software system is no longer being supported and new one will need to be purchased. He noted that 0% budget options, aka “the doomsday slot” if budget is cut further, a list was provided of programs and personnel to be cut, including a decrease in elective offerings at the high school, sports in grades 5 to 8, band in grades 5 to 8, non mandated programs like music and art, field trips, after school activities for grades K to 9. Mike Schilder noted two years ago Library Assistants were cut due to the budget cuts. Mr. Smith stated that the ratables in Bridgewater have dropped faster than the ratables in Raritan. A 3.25% increase in the budget would allow all programs to remain as is. Rescue Squad Chief Weinman was present to answer any questions and discuss a donation from Raritan to the new squad. The squad was looking for a property donation to expand the squad building to accommodate the vehicles and additional storage space. Councilwoman Carra asked how the donations from Raritan were last year, he noted that total donations approximately $77,000 and 18% was from Raritan. Councilman Licht asked how often the building would be used, and the response was approximately 2 to 3 times a month. Councilwoman Wilson clarifies that they are asking for $12,000 and a property donation. Councilman Marago noted that there is concern about parking in that area, Mr. Weinman replied that if they can expand, they plan to accommodate the parking. Council President Laggini was looking for a long range plan for the squad and Raritan Borough. The squad does not have one for donations only the squad plans. It was noted that they are operating at a deficit each year. Councilman Marago stated that he was told they have the monies set aside for renovations which was true and at some point down the line the squads initial response could come out of the building in Raritan, which would decrease call times in town. Mr. Weinman stated that is a possibility for the future but depends on call volumes. Council thanked the squad for their time and dedication. Engineer’s Report Thompson Street Parking Lot Plans are being prepared plans targeting the $115k available budget. Council must decide the signage for parking, i.e. parking restrictions. We are working with PSE&G in the design of lighting which will be similar to the lighting on Somerset Street. PSE&G indicated that they will have a design for consideration in January. We are still waiting for a response from PSE&G. Sanitary Sewers We were able to obtain water billing data much earlier this year and thus have started the sanitary sewer billing process. We expect to complete the bills in mid March. Data in raw form and will take some time to breakdown for billing. Federal/State Stimulus Program There has been much talk and correspondence with regard to a possible infrastructure funding program. The state is now promoting a loan program for water/wastewater projects. NJSME has been following and it now looks likely that a grant program will be introduced whereby “shovel ready” projects will be considered. Shovel ready meaning bid and into construction with 120 days of funding. Orlando Drive is a perfect candidate as survey work has been completed. It is noted that the “visioning planning” has not been completed. We had an inquiry from the County as to possible projects. We advised that the Council earlier discussed and approved Orlando Drive as a key project. Waiting for visioning sessions to end. Energy Audit Program We completed the Energy Audit applications as much as possible without the remaining input from the Council. Technical information regarding building size, existing equipment size and capacity, and current energy consumption has been entered. The Council must provide the names of the team members as required on the application. Applications are due on February 12. Busky Lane We have completed plans and cost estimates for the barrier on Busky Lane. I will provide these sketches for discussion at the meeting on Tuesday. Issues of trucks using loading area, they would still be able to use that area. Sometime of agreement between the mall owner and the Borough would have to be reached regarding the school busses using that area and public use for a turn around. Councilman Lamaestra asked why school busses are dropping off and picking up children, Councilwoman Wilson stated that as a preschool/daycare, the kids going to half day kindergarten are the one getting picked up and dropped off. Councilman Lamaestra asked why the kids are playing in that park and who put up the equipment? Dan Jaxel noted that it has gone back many years, since the beginning of the mall. Issue to be investigated. Busky Lane Park Council President Laggini had a copy of the agreement between the Borough and the owner for use of the park, which stated that it made be available to the general public. Paul Rizzo noted that it says a $8,000 cash bond was posted for installation of the playground equipment. Council was discussing this agreement was possibly approved by the Planning Board and noted that the previous was not satisfied with the grading of the property and that was possibly why the rest of the equipment was not installed. Council President Laggini read a letter from Carolyn Gara regarding the bond monies. Council asked for copies of all letters and documentation for further discussion. Computer Services Mayor Liptak noted that there a number of concerns in the building regarding the individual maintaining the computers, not responding in a timely manner to complaints and issues with employees computers. The Tax Assessor had to go for three works with out a computer due to lack of response. It was noted that he is only available to us after hours when no one is in the building. Councilwoman Wilson stated she had brought this up last year when the finance was down. Mayor Liptak had offered several other options to look at for a different provider. Council President Licht stated that we have to go out got proposals. Chief Hess stated that for security purposes, the person hired would have to be qualified to handle the police side. Housing Rental Ordinance Mayor Liptak provided Council with a copy of the Hammonton Ordinance for Council review. Senior/Youth Center Council President Laggini stated that he had met with Al Smith and discussed possible use of a facility for both purposes. Building currently owned by St. Joes that we could lease for multi purpose. Clerk to add to next agenda for further discussion. Taxi Applicants – Azzi’s & Chamoun Council noted that all applicants passed their background checks and can be approved at next meeting. COAH Dan Jaxel wanted Council to be aware that COAH will be asking us to pass a marketable to affordable type ordinance and intent to bond, in case we ran out of money in our housing trust and may need monies to subsidize. Raritan Car Wash Mayor Liptak stated that a letter was sent in regarding the number of cars going through the car wash, and Paul Rizzo stated that it is inaccurate and a dead issue. Charitable Clothing Bins Mayor Liptak asked what we do with the new requirements for clothing bins. Paul stated that owners would need to apply, pay fees, provide drawings of location, and noted that we could add something requiring them to keep the maintenance at suitable levels. Paul stated that the ordinance requires we give them a warning and give them time to remedy any issues. Paul recommended we do not enact the ordinance because state statute deems they are illegal if we do not enact the ordinance, and therefore would not be allowed in Raritan. Council decided to not enact ordinance. Building/Police/Fire Official Vehicles Councilman Marago objected to this item being on the agenda, as it was previously discussed and decided. Dan Jaxel wanted Council to be aware that we had two fire official vehicles and one was given to the police department. There is now only one vehicle for the property maintenance and fire officials to share. Lou is looking for a vehicle for his departments use as they currently do not have enough to cover all inspectors. Councilman Marago expressed his displeasure of this topic being discussed again, as the Council agreed to give the one vehicle to the police to avoid buying a new police vehicle and save money. Police PO Councilman Marago stated that the police would like to change their colors, which would come out of the police trust account. Council asked Chief to obtain additional quotes, as the Fit Rite quote needs comparison. Chief Hess submitted quotes for new telephones, Mid Atlantic was lowest quote with a lease bid of $7355 plus a $180 per month for five years for maintenance, this system also has battery back up which is really needed. Floor Maintenance Dan Jaxel stated that due to the dust problem the floors need to be done. Council President Laggini recommended vacuuming to remove the dust and then get a good finish on the floor. Mayor Liptak noted that all the floors need to be stripped and redone as they all look awful. Council stated that the ceiling vents are very duty and dirty, which is not efficient and needs to be looked at. Public Comments Don Tozzi, Glaser Avenue, Mr. Berger put lights up that need to be fixed and noted the commercial district needs to be cleaned up. He also questioned the commercial vehicle law and asked for clarification. Mr. Tozzi stated that on the Bruce Doorly web site he would like some letters and pictures from his grandfather and other war veterans to be posted as part of our history. Joe Kemet, Vones Lane, member of Raritan Borough Civic Alliance, wants update on NJ transit. Mr. Schrek was suppose to look into noise measuring equipment and Mr. Bateman was suppose to look into getting monies for that equipment. Stan Schrek, stated that NJ Transit offered to take complaints when equipment was idling. Equipment purchasing would not be feasible due to the placement of the engines. NJ Transit knows where each engine is parked and the idling times so they would take complaints to compare. Mr. Kemet will follow up with Senator Bateman regarding grant monies. Bill Salerno, Weiss Terrace, stated that aside from the noise, there is also a pollution problem with the trains. He also stated that calling the police for noise complaints is a misuse of police. Mr. Salerno asked why can’t he file a complaint with the police and go sign it? He stated that people don’t know who to complain to anymore. By the time police would get there, noise would stop and odor would dissipate. Mr. Salerno noted that the railroad is doing better but there are still issues. Mayor Liptak asked the public if they are aware of any spills going on at the rail yard into the ground. A resident mentioned that the water company monitors the brook. Councilman Laggini noted that the train horns the last few weeks have been excessive. Adrienne Schwall, stated that the last three years she has been working on the railroad issues and has organized the Raritan Civic Alliance. She asked the Mayor and Council to send an official letter to the EPA and NJ Transit holding them accountable for the pollution and issues at the rail yard. She provided a letter that she wanted the Mayor and Council to sign. Council agreed to have Paul Rizzo review the letter and advise. Jim Foohey, stated that the railroad issues have been going on for decades and previous attempts to contact them have resulted in only lip service with no real issues being resolved. Mike Lopez, Plainfield Avenue, stated that for 23 years NJ Transit has been violating federal law in this town and may be affecting health issues. He stated he is tired of hearing about the budget and how it affects the rail issues. He also commented about the agenda changes and why only one public comment session listed. Mr. Lopez asked about the police report and wants to know when it will be released. Mr. Lopez asked the Police Chief how to go about making a citizen complaint. Chief Hess advised that they have to make an appointment with the Court Clerk to formally sign a complaint. Mr. Salerno stated that there is funding going to the Somerville train station for upgrades and asked why none is coming to Raritan. RESOLUTION 2009 RESOLUTION RARITAN BOROUGH PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY ENERGY AUDIT PROGRAM Mayor and Council agreed upon Dan Jaxel, Stan Schrek and Councilman John Lamaestra to serve on the Energy Audit Committee. Motion was made approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Marago, seconded by Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. 2009 RESOLUTION RARITAN BOROUGH TRAFFIC ANALYSIS GRANT Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. RESOLUTION 2009 SPECIAL TEMPORARY APPROPRIATIONS Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Council President Licht. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Public Comment Michelle Marone, Roderer Drive, asked for clarification on the agenda changes. Mayor Liptak explained current changes. Ms. Marone also asked when action taken in Executive Session will be made public. Paul Rizzo stated that any action that is necessary will be taken after the executive session or at the next meeting. Mike Lopez, Plainfield Avenue, again asked for clarification of the new agenda changes. Mayor Liptak explained the changes. Motion was made by Councilman Licht and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra to move into Executive Session. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk