Borough of Raritan Council Regular Meeting April 14, 2009 The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Courier News and the Raritan Borough website of the time, date and place of this Council meeting, posting a notice on the official bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes of this meeting. Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following were present: Mayor Liptak Council President Laggini Councilman Licht Councilwoman Wilson Councilman Lamaestra Councilwoman Carra Councilman Marago Also present was: Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk Councilman President Laggini presented the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes: February 24, 2009 Regular Session was presented for approval. Motion was made by Councilman Marago and seconded by Councilman Lamaestra, upon call of the roll: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye Public Comments Brian Carisone, 20 Mill Street, stated that recently there has been 5 ton weight limit signs posted on his street, which is a M1 zone, and clearly not working for his approved business. He noted that the ordinance was approved May of 2004 and his site plan was approved April 16, 2006. Stan Schrek noted that there was no structural reason for the tonnage. Paul Rizzo is going to look into this issue. Don Tozzi, Glaser Avenue, noted that the same sign, No Vehicle Over 5 Tons, is posted on his street but there is also a ordinance about commercial vehicles not being able to park from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. Mr. Tozzi stated that any large commercial vehicle should not be permitted any time. Paul Rizzo will look into. Richard Yadlosky, Weiss Terrace, stated that anytime anyone who comes before this body they have a right to be confused; asked Councilman Marago why he did not return his call about monies owed him; Councilman Marago stated that the Borough Attorney was correct in him not being owed a return; Mr. Yadlosky stated that the law has nothing to do with morality and the Council chooses to be immoral instead of legal. Stefanie Gara, 21 Church Street, questioned the ordinance allowing commercial vehicles to be parked on Borough roads, Paul Rizzo is checking into this. Introduction of Ordinance 09-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 82-26 AND 82-27 TO RESTRICT PARKING IN THOMPSON STREET PARKING LOT Motion to approve by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by Councilman Marago, roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above referenced was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council held on April 14, 2009 and said ordinance will be further considered for final passage at a meeting which will be held on May 26, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the Borough Council and that at such time and place all such persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance, and that the Borough Clerk be, and she hereby is, authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage. RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE BOND FOR BLANEY REALTY, LLC Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Council President Laggini, seconded by Councilman Licht. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. RECYCLING ACT Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilman Lamaestra, seconded by Councilman Marago. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. 2009 SPECIAL TEMPORARY APPROPRIATIONS Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Wilson, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. REQUESTING THE PLANNING BOARD TO INVESTIGATE DESIGNATION OF REDEVELOPMENT AREA Motion was made to approve the above listed resolution by Councilwoman Carra, seconded by Council President Laggini. Roll call vote was as follows: Council President Laggini Aye Councilman Licht Aye Councilwoman Carra Aye Councilwoman Wilson Aye Councilman Marago Aye Councilman Lamaestra Aye The above listed resolution was approved. Committee Reports: Council President Laggini thanked Recreation for a great job on the Easter Egg Hunt and noted that this Saturday is opening day for baseball Council President Laggini made motion to approve a maximum of $5,500 to Screen Styles, Manville, NJ for baseball and softball uniforms and a maximum of $4,000 to Effinger Sporting Goods, Bound Brook, NJ for baseball and softball equipment, motion was seconded by Councilman Lamaestra. Upon call of the roll, motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Licht stated that the Borough web site had been updated to include new information for the residents. Councilman Licht applauded Recreation for a job well done for the Easter egg hunt and also noted that now too much information has been submitted for the Borough Newsletter and will edited for content to fit. Councilwoman Carra stated that Public Works has been busy mulching, painting picnic tables, cutting grass and taking care of the ball fields in addition to their regular duties. She also noted that Somerville has accepted the proposals to study consolidation of Public Works. Councilwoman Carra noted that there will be a backyard composting workshop on May 12th and additional information will be posted on the website. Councilwoman Wilson reminded everyone that the garden club will be planning at the Municipal Building on Saturday, April 25th, and also stated that the budget will be ready for introduction on April 28th. Councilman Marago stated that Chief Hess received a letter from St. Hubert’s Giralda regarding dangerous dogs and requested it be listed for the next agenda. Councilman Marago made motion to approve the expenditure of $4,380.60 to Samzies, Ewing , NJ for Paca Body Armor, motion was seconded by Councilwoman Wilson. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Lamaestra stated that the Senior’s will be having a luncheon on May 13th and the guest speaker will be the CEO of Somerset Medical Center. He also noted that April is National Multiple Birth Awareness Month to bring attention to multiple births. Councilman Lamaestra reminded everyone that May 12th is the last day to register to vote for the primary election. Mayor Liptak stated that on April 21st at 5:30 pm JFK School will be hosting a salute to veterans. Mayor Liptak noted that Ortho is laying off approximately 800 employees, and the Easter Egg hunt was a fun time. Mayor Liptak stated that Raritan Borough was awarded Energy Audits for the Public Works and Municipal Buildings. She then read an article from an old newspaper, June 22, 1944, in which residents were complaining about the Rail Road Station. Unfinished Business: Rental Ordinance – table to next meeting Busky Lane – sent draft easement to Mr. Burger, awaiting response General Code – Dan Jaxel read email outlining time table and response to why this is taking so long for codification. Orlando Drive – keep this item on agenda Hidden Pond – no response as of yet from their association New Business: Councilman Marago noted that the EPA awarded free environmental monitoring apparatuses and Raritan Borough did not receive any. Council President Laggini thanked Chief Hess for his participation in the egg hunt. Public Comment: Richard Yadlosky, Weiss Terrace, stated: he appreciates the Mayor help but excluded the immoral people; noted the article she read was interesting from 1944 but that the people were selfish bringing up complaints in a time of war; questioned Councilwoman Wilson on the sustainable grants; questioned Councilman Licht on his family relations; and noted we all need body armor. Michelle Marone, Roderer Drive, stated that the Mayor is suppose to be setting decorum for the Council meetings and noted that certain people are not being kept to the 5 minute limit. Councilman Lamaestra made motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Councilwoman Wilson. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm. Respectfully submitted, Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR Borough Clerk /pah