Borough of Raritan Council
Agenda Meeting
April 14, 2009

The following notice was read: NOTICE of this meeting has been made by advising the Somerset Messenger 
Gazette and The Courier News of the time, date and place of this meeting, posting a notice on the official 
bulletin board, filing a copy in the Borough Clerk’s office and including this statement in the minutes.

Mayor Liptak called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.

Upon call of the roll:

Mayor Liptak
Council President Laggini  
Councilman Licht
Councilwoman Carra 
Councilwoman Wilson 
Councilman Marago 
Councilman Lamaestra 

Also present was:

Daniel Jaxel, Borough Administrator
Paul Rizzo, Borough Attorney
Stan Schrek, Borough Engineer
Pamela Huefner, Borough Clerk

Engineer’s Report

Thompson Street Parking Lot

Plans are completed. Advertising will be on 4/16 with bids to be received on 5/7. The project can be 
awarded at the meeting on 5/12.
Includes 2 lights: trees to be done late May or early June

Energy Audit Program

The PMF has requested information on the Municipal Building. We have supplied relevant information and 
are waiting for a site meeting to be scheduled. There is some confusion as to what is expected from the 
PMF, per the grant agreement, and what the Borough is to supply as information. Gary Garwacke noted this
 discrepancy and I concurred with him.

Grant awarded for Municipal Building and Public Works Building

Anderson Street Firehouse

Work is progressing for completion in May. My office has been requested to provide flow, line and residual
 water pressure data for the proposed fire suppression system. The architect’s specification requires that 
the owner (Borough) provide such data. We are working with NJAWC to schedule the required test. Our fee, 
approximately $2400, may be charged to the grant. Another issue, not addressed in the project, is ground 
water penetration into the basement. A sump system must be installed. A sump discharge line can be 
installed in the trench which will be required for the water line. This discharge will be connected to 
a simple sump pump. I believe that DPW can assist.

Fire flow test required, approximately $2,400

Busky Lane Play Park.

Pursuant to a law that requires soil testing for children’s play areas. The Wonder Years Academy had 
the required investigation completed by a consultant who found contamination and reported same to the 
NJDEP. The NJDEP is now requiring remediation. I contacted NJDEP and was advised that the hit areas 
are small and generally near the play structure. I was not able to obtain the report from the consultant.
 I would surmise that the soil cap was penetrated by installation of the mulch and that contributed to 
the contamination readings. A subsequent letter, sent to the Mayor from the consultant requests $250 for
 a copy of the assessment report. The Borough needs this report. Perhaps the report can be obtained 
from the day care owner.  NJDEP will not provide a copy.

Soil test required on playgrounds by law

2009 Capital Budget

Per the 30 Year Road Program, as defined in the Infrastructure Assessment, the following roads will 
require attention in 2009:

Basilone Place
Danbury Avenue
Marson Place.

With the exception of Busky Lane and Orlando Drive, which are under other considerations, the program,
 as established in 2006 remains on target.

These projects are addition to various repairs conducted throughout the year. I will be formulating 
costs for Council consideration.

Gaston Brook 

Our Grants Department is investing programs which can fund minor stream cleaning and bank stabilization
 projects. I will report once information is obtained.

Raritan River Watershed Association most likely to give grant for this project.

On April 7th, DEP announced Transportation Grant program, Orlando Drive study fits a lot of the 
requirements and we believe it may get high priority for grant application. We need to finish corridor
 study and approve resolution so that grant application can be prepared, it’s due by May 13th, 2009.
Project must be shovel ready by January 2010, Council to review corridor study for discussion at next

Councilwoman Wilson stated that she had found a Sustainable NJ Grant Program that is sponsored by 
Walmart. Stan to give Paul sample resolution for inclusion and list for discussion at next meeting.

DEP Letter Regarding Outdoor Play Area at Wonder Years Academy

Addressed in Engineer’s Report

Rescue Squad Contribution

Dan Jaxel stated that previously discussed contribution amount is included in the budget, we will not 
be obligated to disperse that amount but it is available. Council agreed to leave amount in budget with
 no promise of disbursement.

Recreation PO

PO submitted for softball and baseball teams equipment. To be motioned in Regular Session.

Recreation PO

PO submitted for softball and baseball teams uniforms. To be motioned in Regular Session. 


The Fire Official requested 2 extra hours per week to effectively perform his duties and handle all 
administrative reports and paperwork. Council agreed to give him the two hours he requested and 
re-evaluate this request at a later date for efficiency This change increased the salary and wage 
for Fire from $18,000 to $19,500. 

Councilman Lamaestra questioned the budgeted amount for Clerk Other Expenses, Dan explained that the
 $8,500 budget was used for legal ads and unavoidable expenses. 

He also questioned Financial Administration Other Expenses which was budgeted for $18,000. Dan 
explained the increase from $15,000 to $18,000 was to cover additional classes for the Tax Collectors
 office. It was agreed to cut $1,000 from the $18,000.

Councilman Lamaestra questioned the increase from $48,700 to $51,000 in expenses paid to Manville.
 Dan explained this an increase in what we have to disburse to Manville for the shared Tax Assessor,
 normal assessment and outside expenses.

Councilman Lamaestra questioned the legal services surplus, Dan explained that there are currently
 unpaid bills waiting to go out.

Councilman Lamaestra expressed a need to cut the $5,000 budget for the League of Municipalities
 Conference. Mayor Liptak stated that the Borough should not be paying League expenses. Council 
discussed and agreed that only those professionals required to obtain CEU’s to maintain their state
 licenses should expenses be paid for. Any other professional, not licensed, will not receive 
reimbursement or any paid expenses. This amount was cut by $2,000.

Dan Jaxel noted that our surplus increased to $900,000

Councilman Licht noted that an extra $100,000 is going for tax relief

Police PO – Body Armor

Motion to be made in Regular Session

Chapter 48 Health Benefits

Paul Rizzo stated that this is not a black and white issue within the current law but probably can 
be a staggered health benefit cost. Will discuss at next meeting.

Phase Three Library Architectural Services

Dan advised Council that Anelle Desisto presented the Borough with a fully inclusive contract for 
the next phase of Library renovations, including administrative fees in the amount of $56,580. 
Council noted that this firm always finds variables and asks for additional monies, they also may 
want a time line of each step of the project to be provided. Councilman Licht asked that the Board 
of Library Trustees give their input on the performance of this firm. Councilman Marago to speak 
with the Board at their next meeting.

Motion was made by Councilman Lamaestra and seconded by Councilwoman Wilson to move into Executive
 Session. Upon call of the roll motion was unanimously carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela A. Huefner, RMC, CMR 
Borough Clerk