A Note from Mayor Jo-Ann Liptak
As we begin a new year and embark on a new direction for Raritan there are three new committees that I would like to discuss with you and invite your participation if you so choose. The first new committee is the Economic Development Committee. I ask anyone with a business or background to join us. We will work in conjunction with the Borough Council, the Raritan Area Chamber of Commerce and the Somerset County Business Partnership to create an economic growth plan for the borough.

The next group that will be forming is the Grants Committee, a concept developed with the help of Councilwoman Stefanie Gara and Councilman Greg Lobell. This group will research and write grant applications as a means of easing the tax burden for our citizens. There is grant money available for street repair and other municipal obligations and we should avail ourselves of that grant money. If you have experience in that area please consider working with this committee.

The third group is the Raritan Cultural and Heritage Committee. We have in Raritan a rich and diverse history. We have boxes of photographs and written memorabilia that must be catalogued and documented. Wouldn't it be great to have a museum to house all of the photographs and the John Basilone Collection? We must preserve and protect our history for the enjoyment and education of our citizens now and in the future.

If you have an interest in becoming a member of any of these new groups please call me at 908-231-1300x17 or jliptak@raritan-nj.org. Please leave you name, phone number or email address and I will contact you with dates and times for the first meetings. Thank you for all you do to make Raritan a great town. You do make a difference.

Jo-Ann Liptak, Mayor