Statement made by Stefanie Gara at 2011 Reorg Meeting |
January 2, 2011
I would like to welcome everyone to our annual reorganization meeting. I am looking forward to working with our new council members, Paul Giraldi and Anthony Soriano, Jr. as well as continuing to work with Mayor Jo-Ann Liptak, Councilwoman Carra, Councilman Laggini and our new Council President Greg Lobell.
2010 was an unprecedented year for our community and many communities throughout the State.
We where faced with many new challenges including those put forth by our government in Trenton. I am proud to say we came away stronger, better structured and a more organized governing body to meet the present and future needs of this Borough. Your Council will continue to work to improve our quality of life, the efficiency of our many Borough departments and of course to provide services all the while keeping our taxes at there lowest possible rate. I have had an extremely active first year serving our Borough and have come away realizing the importance of having once been elected representing everybody in this community. I am eager to continue to serve. My duties in 2011 will include Public Safety and Human Resources. I will also be liaison to Regional Center and Grants Acquisition Committee. I am readily available to all of you and of course I welcome communication from you. Entering my second year of service to our Borough, I am optimistic with the new members on our Council that Raritan is truly in good hands. I hope everyone enjoyed this holiday season despite the heavy snowfall and I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. |