Jo Ann Liptak is Raritan's First Woman Mayor
click for link to Courier News Article

click for list of Raritan's former Mayors
I, Jo-Ann Liptak, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the Authority of the people; and that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of Mayor of The Borough of Raritan according to the best of my ability. So help me God.

Jo-Ann's grandfather Joseph Navatto was
once the Raritan Police Chief and
The President of the
Board of Commissioners.
(The position was often referred to as The Mayor.
This was when Raritan was a Municipality under Bridgewater)

Here Jo-Ann is with her grandfather in 1949.
On the far right is Jo-Ann,
a proud first prize winner
in the 1953 Flower Show.
Joseph Navatto (Jo-Ann's grandfather)
tips his hat to Warren Harding
- the President of The United States.
This was on the steps of the
Third Reform Church in 1921.