On Tuesday, February 19th, at The Bridgewater/Raritan High School
The Department of Environmental Protection issued a Report on the
Estimated Impacts From Idling Locomotives in the Borough of Raritan, N. J.
The report surprised and angered many residents
due to the fact that the report's conclusions
were based off a computer model, not by on-site air samples.
The conclusion was that with the recent cut backs
in the number of hours the train's idle
that there was little or no exceedances of safety standards.
The good news from the DEP
was that the trains are now idling
much less than before. Around 75 % less.
At the meeting, the DEP passed out two reports.
These reports can be viewed by clicking
on one of the links on the next line.
DEP report one DEP report two
Councilman Victor Laggini Jr., who lives by
the rail yard, voiced his concern for
The JFK school and the surrounding residents.
He told the DEP that often his eyes burn
and that he has to close his windows at his home.
"We have the right to breath clean air"
were his closing remarks.
Around 100 residents attended the meeting
including the mayor and the entire boro council.